Growing or Shrinking? How Freelancing Will Change in 2017


There has been a LOT of speculation lately about the job outlook for 2017, and you can’t ignore the ever-growing gig-economy and just how much of an impact this will have on job growth and opportunity. Findings from Adobe revealed that one-third of the 1,000 U.S. office workers they polled had a second job and more than half predicted we would all have multiple jobs in the future.

Here are the top predictions for freelancing in 2017:

  • The shift toward independent workers will trigger equally seismic shifts in HR technology. On-demand hiring lowers costs and creates more competition for talent.
  • Virtual reality will take off as remote or gig-workers will need to connect through video.
  • Job descriptions themselves will change as the idea of “freelancers” moves from just creative and technology fields to a much broader range of job roles.
  • Companies facing an in-house shortage will increase their reliance on professional service firms and technology platforms to efficiently source specialized independent talent.

Read more on Fast Company

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